How To Trade Your NFTs

Dec 21, 2020


We have made the swapping of NFTs a very smooth and easy 3 step process! But before anything remember to connect your wallet, which right now is Metamask, to use the platform.

  1. Select from the DApp list which DApp you want to get your NFT that you want to trade and then select that NFT.

2. Next, you will select a new DApp & new NFT which a counterpart holds that you would like to trade for.

3. Initiate the trade by paying the small fee and you will receive a trade link to share with the counterpart.

You will be able to track and follow all trade processes in your Trade List menu!

*The NFT will move inside the contract until the swap is ended or cancelled*




Written by NFTTrader

The P2P Secure & Social NFT Trading Web3 Protocol

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